Personal data processing and privacy policy

1. Data controller
Dedalo Ceramiche S.r.l., with registered office in 26, Passo Moncenisio street, Sassuolo (Italy) (the "Company", "Dedalo" or the "Controller"), ensures compliance with the regulations on the protection of personal data by providing the following information regarding the processing of data collected during navigation on this Website.
2. Data processed, purposes and legal bases of processing
Browsing data
The Website’s operation, as is standard with any websites on the Internet, involves the use of computer systems and software procedures, which collect information about the Website’s users as part of their routine operation, whose transmission is automatic when using Internet communication protocols.
These data (such as domain names, IP addresses, operating system used, type of browser device used for connection) shall only be used for: i) obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Website; ii) managing control requirements on how to use the Website, iii) investigating liabilities in the event of information crimes committed against the Website.
The legal basis that legitimizes the processing of such data is the need to make usable the functionality of the Website as a result of user access.
Data provided voluntarily by the user
The Personal Data provided by the user through the form are collected and processed for the following purposes:

  1. for carrying out customer relationship activities based on contractual agreements;
  2. for administrative purposes and for the fulfillment of legal obligations such as those of an accounting, tax, or to comply with requests from the judicial authority;
  3. in the presence of specific consent, for the periodic sending, by e-mail, of newsletters and advertising material;
  4. in the presence of specific consent, to receive updates on our activities and reports on the posting of our blog;
  5. in the presence of specific consent, to receive promotional communications and invitations to events, training courses, webinars, special promotions or to participate in market analysis and research;
  6. in the case of sending curriculum vitae, exclusively for selection purposes.

The legal basis for processing is the execution of a contract at which the user takes part or the execution of pre-contractual measures taken at user request. In the cases expressly indicated, the legal basis is the consent freely given by the user.
3. Nature of the contribution
Apart from that specified for navigation data and for data collected through the Website, the provision of data:

  • with respect to the purposes referred to in letters a), b) and f) is optional but any refusal will make it impossible for Dedalo to implement the contractual commitments undertaken.
  • with respect to the purposes referred to in letter c), d) and e) it is also optional and their use is conditional upon the issue of an explicit consent. Any refusal will make it impossible for Dedalo to send newsletters and advertising material or invitations to events and initiatives of Sfumature.

4. Processing methods and retention of Personal Data
All Personal Data collected will be processed using electronic or automated means, computerized and telematic, or through manual processing with logic strictly related to the purposes for which the Personal Data were collected and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security of the same. Generally, Soft-Net will keep your Personal Data only for as long as strictly necessary in compliance with current regulations and legal obligations.
In any case, Dedalo practice rules that prevent the retention of data indefinitely and therefore limits the storage time in compliance with the principle of minimization of data processing.
5. Who will be able to access your Personal Data?
The processing of the collected data is carried out by the internal team of Dedalo for this purpose identified and authorized for the treatment according to specific instructions given in compliance with current legislation.
The data collected, if necessary or instrumental for the execution of the indicated purposes, may be processed by third parties appointed external processors, or, depending on the case, communicated to them as independent owners, namely:

  1. companies belonging to our corporate group for the purposes referred to in point 1 lett. a), b) and f);
  2. people, companies, associations or professional offices that provide assistance and advice to our Company, for the purposes referred to in point 1 lett. b) and f);
  3. companies, bodies, associations that perform services connected and instrumental to the execution of the above mentioned purposes (market analysis and research service, credit card payments management, computer systems maintenance).

The collected data may also be transferred abroad, to companies that are not part of our corporate group, even outside the European Union in the forms and methods provided for by current legislation, ensuring in any case an adequate level of protection.
In any case, Personal Data will never be disclosed.

6. What are your rights?
At any time you can access the data, oppose the processing or request the cancellation, modification or updating of all personal information collected by Dedalo, exercising the right to limit the processing and the right to data portability, sending an e-mail to


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